An Ignatian Path to Christ – Forty Weeks ProgramSugar Land Bible Sharing Group has recently finished a series of spiritual exercises called 40 Weeks developed by Fr. Bill Watson, SJ. This is a new rendition of St. Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercise focusing on the daily Examen. The Bible Sharing Group started the 40 Weeks spiritual journey on January 22, 2018 and completed it on October 22, 2018. The heart of this spiritual exercise is a daily 15 minute Examen with additional brief spiritual mindfulness throughout the day and a spiritual journaling at the end of the day, week and month. Committing to such a long spiritual journey is not easy, but it certainly bears fruit for a long haul. Members of the Bible Sharing Group have raised a good habit (virtue) and will continue doing this spiritual exercise. Some of them have shared their experience in a video requested by Fr. Bill as one of the themes for the monthly Newsletter of Fr. Bill’s Sacred Story Institute website.
If anyone is interested in doing this spiritual exercise, we are able to help you start. The material can be downloaded from Formed.org (parish code: 3ea3b0 if you do not have an account). The Forty Weeks Program will: · Help us encounter the Lord of Mercy daily. · Promote fruitful engaging in regular Sacramental Reconciliation. · Help us learn the art of spiritual discernment. 一個透過伊納爵通往基督的途徑 – 四十週 糖城基信團在最近完成了一系列的靈修操練,叫做40 WEEKS;這是由一位耶穌會士Bill Watson神父所發展出的依納爵神操的新方法。他們從今年一月廿二日開始第一週的練習,十月廿二日完成第四十週的操練。這個靈修操練主要是以每天15分鐘的意識省察為主要練習,外加每天不同時間的短暫覺察操練,還有在每天結束前,及每週和每月最後一天,寫靈修簡記。四十週每天不斷地操練實屬不易,雖然有時會太忙或忘記,但是課程的安排很容易再接續,透過團體的鼓勵則更容易繼續操練。基信團員在這四十週,可以說是養成了一個好習慣(德行),他們會繼續做這個靈修的操練。在Fr. Bill的邀請下,部份團員在一個定期的聚會中分享了他們的心得,製作成錄影剪輯,登在Fr. Bill網頁的月訊上。有興趣的人可以點擊連結收看。 希望做這靈修操練的兄弟姐妹,基信團的成員願意陪伴你們練習。教材在Formed.org裏頭可以下載 (另有中文翻譯可參考)。尚未建立個人使用帳號者,可以用堂區密碼3ea3b0建立個人帳號。 四十週可以幫助你: · 每天與仁慈的主基督相遇 · 勤於領受和好聖事 · 學習神類分辨 |