主日前夕彌撒: 5:30 pm (用英語) 主日彌撒: 9:00 am (用英語) 11:00 am (國語) 平日彌撒: 週一: 不弥撒 10:30 AM (中文) 明供聖體: Every Friday of the month 7:30pm 和好聖事: 20 minutes before Sunday mass; finish 5 minutes before mass Note: Occasionally we invite out-of-town priests to celebrate Cantonese Mass. Please see calendar for details. 本堂不定期邀請外來神父主持粵語彌撒,詳程將在行事曆公佈。
Important Information & Updates
New Activity Center
The ACM Capital Campaign Committee has been formed and have had two meetings. Next CCC Meeting will be October 14, 2023. Please pray for Father, committee members, and Father Roger.
The ACM Building Committee has been formed and has been meeting since 2022. The ACM BC worked with the Archdiocese to vet, interview, meet, and hire the Architect Company, Merriman Hold Powell Architects.
Ascension is a Chinese Mission Parish, but it is a diverse community, open to people of all cultures!