In compliance with Harris County shelter in place order, the church will no longer remain open until further notice.
3/18/2020 Update
COVID-19 Update from Fr. Roger
Our archbishop, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, has announced that the public celebration of all weekday and Sunday Masses is suspended in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston effective March 18, 2020 until further notice.
Other than the cancellation of all Masses and all parish activity, the church will remain open and available during the day from 8:00AM until 9:00AM on weekdays, for private prayer.
At this moment of health crisis, scheduled confessions are virtually impossible. If you are conscious of deliberate, grave sin, please make a perfect act of contrition (even in your own words) with a determination to come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation personally when things normalize. A perfect act of contrition means repentance and sorrow motivated primarily by the love of God and not simply fear of punishment. Do not feel guilty or scrupulous about this. We're all doing the best we can.
As we have all experienced over the past few days, this is a very dynamic situation. We will continue to post updates to our parish website and through email communications.
Please be vigilant and do what we have to do for love of God and others. Pray for all who are sick, and for the healthcare professionals who are working tirelessly in response to this pandemic.
We regret to inform you that all public masses have been suspended per Daniel Cardinal DiNardo's order. Please click on the link above for more resources from the Diocese. We are also working on setting up live streaming of the Chinese mass.
Summary Following the recommendations from the archdiocese, all activities on or before April 30th are cancelled except for regular daily and Sunday Masses. 依照總主教區的保安指示,本堂區除了舉行平日和主日的彌撒外, 4月30日和之前 所有的活動全部取消。主日彌撒後不供應午餐。
Message from Daniel Cardinal DiNardo COVID-19 Update 3/13/2020
Summary of Cardinal DiNardo’s Letter to Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston coronavirus precaution 1. Persons who are ill are under no obligation to be present for the Sunday Mass 2. Be respectful that some may be uncomfortable with physical contact during times of the Mass such as the Lord’s Prayer or the Sign of Peace. 3. Distribution of Holy Communion is only under the form of the Host, the distribution from the Chalice is suspended. 4. Though cardinal is not demanding it, it may be helpful, for the time being, for persons to receive Holy Communion in the hand. 樞機主教對休士頓教區關於防治冠狀病毒漫延預防措施 1. 正在生病的人沒有義務參與主日彌撒。 2. 請尊重部份教友,不願在彌撒中 (如唸天主經或互祝平安時) 與其他人有肢體之接觸。 3. 聖體禮只分送聖體,聖血暫停分送。 4. 在現時最好以手來領取聖體;但不強制要求。